Welcome to

Had huge issues with hosting and will update in Summer hopefully. We will try to still add picks and boost late April or May. We may add some but not all picks that did not load here.

Boost are on editors picks page for now due to hosting issues.

Where we combine our own formulas, insights, and research to help give you a better chance – To Beat the Odds!

Please bet responsibly.

We dropped a boost page, to help beat the odds. The boost page will track units, return on investment, and win-loss data.

Joining the hype and adding a 10 K Challenge

We have not been as active due to the fact we do this for free, with no donations and low website traffic. We will try to be more active in promoting plays. Probably taking a hiatus later this year after the NFL season and then coming back full steam.

Please follow our Twitter page we try to let you know when plays drop. Currently not as active but will be later in the year.


And Reddit though less active.


For updates, play drops, and some live bets!

Also, any donations help keep the page up and running. Thanks and best of luck!

Venmo       @Just-Bets

Paypal       https://www.paypal.me/JustBets1

For Boost please click here

For Editors Pick please click here

For Charts please click here

We currently focus on the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB and are looking to expand. Our formulas are currently for MLB and working on an NFL, NHL, and NBA formula. We will try to expand the results and data later—currently, this is a time-consuming process. But we hope it helps you win.